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Alcohol Withdrawal: Symptoms, Treatment & Timeline

During the alcohol detox process the individual will progress through a mild phase and then a more pronounced phase of withdrawal symptoms. The first phase commences 3-8 hours after the last drink and lasts about 2 days. The alcohol detox symptoms in this stage typically include nausea, hand tremors, irritability, and sweating. Although one recent […]Read More

A List of Performance Enhancing Drugs and Their Definitions

Therefore, most of the information is Alcohol Use Disorder anecdotal, and these reports are often confounded by concurrent use of other PEDs, especially AASs. The likely adverse effects include edema, excessive sweating, myalgias and arthralgias, carpal tunnel syndrome, and diabetes (Table 2). Much of the information about potential adverse effects of rhGH use in supraphysiologic […]Read More

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